April Lee
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

The 3-day cardiac diet, also known as the 3 day heart diet, is a diet that is reported to have been created with heart patients in mind. The Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and American Heart Association have all been credited with being the source of the diet at one time or another.

The three groups named have all openly denied being the originators of the 3-day heart diet, yet this has had little effect on its popularity. Despite its name, the diet appeals to people who want to lose weight as fast as possible, not cardiac patients.

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The 3 day cardiac diet is said to have been used to help heart patients prepare for surgery by allowing them to shed bloat and water retention, which would place additional strain on the heart. According to the reports, this resulted in weight loss, and the diet became quite popular as a result.

Regardless of where the 3 day heart diet came from, it will help you lose weight quickly. Over the duration of the diet, the average person may expect to lose six pounds, and those who are heavier can lose even more, up to 10 pounds.

Because the diet is low in calories, it is also low in carbs and bulk, allowing for this type of weight loss. These two factors combine to cause you to drop a significant amount of water weight while also removing any excess material from your gut. This, along with a pound or two of fat loss, accounts for the majority of the weight lost on the 3 day cardiac diet.

In general, each meal of the diet has a specific type and amount of food, which changes from day to day. The variety makes it easier to follow, but because this is an extremely low-calorie diet, remaining on it for more than the three days is not advisable.

For breakfast, the 3 day heart diet looks like this:

Day One

  • ½ of a whole grapefruit or 4 ounces of grapefruit juice, unsweetened
  • 1 slice of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter
  • Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

Day Two

  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1 slice of toast
  • 1/2 Banana
  • Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

Day Three

  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1 slice of toast
  • Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

For lunch you’ll be eating:

Day One

  • 1/2 cup of water packed tuna
  • 1 slice of toast

Day Two

  • 1 cup of cottage cheese
  • 5 saltine type crackers

Day Three

  • 1 slice of cheddar cheese
  • 5 saltine type crackers
  • 1 small apple

For dinner, the 3 day heart diet menu looks like this:

Day One

  • A quarter pound of any meat
  • 1 cup of string beans
  • 1 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
  • 1 small apple
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Two

  • 2 hot dogs
  • 1 cup of broccoli
  • 1/2 cup of carrots, cooked or raw.
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Three

  • 1 cup of water packed tuna
  • 1 cup of beets
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 cup cantaloupe
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream

With the exception of salt and pepper, there are no spices or additives allowed on the 3 day cardiac diet. Because of the low calorie content, it is not recommended that you eat it for more than three days in a row. To avoid slowing down your metabolism, alternate the 3 day cardiac diet with four days of higher-calorie food.

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